What a tournament, actually 2 tournaments! Jason Kopf and I were able to put together a nice bag of 31lbs 12oz yesterday for a 2 day total of 65lbs and hang onto 3rd place in the Masters Walleye Circuit and combined Lake Erie Walleye Trail. We just couldn’t get that one big bite yesterday to put us over the top and came up 2.5lbs shy of the W. However, I couldn’t be more excited for Bryan Beck and Je Gibson locking up the win! Our crew ended up in 1st, 3rd, 9th, and 12th out of the 136 boat MWC field and similar for the LEWT, that’s how you draw it up! WTG boyz!!!!
We were all making long runs out east and trolling flicker minnows or bandits along shallow water structure. We had some pretty nautical conditions, especially one day 1, I’m not sure I would have made that run if I weren’t in a Mercury powered 622 Ranger. That thing with the zip wake trim tabs was built for days like this, 100%. When we set up on the structure, we’d watch the fish with Lowrance forward facing active target sonar and adjust accordingly, often seeing the fish seemingly trying to ‘hide’ in the rocks. Active target no doubt has changed the way I look at trolling, especially in shallow water. After a rough start to the tournament season in the Detroit NWT, it’s nice to get a good one under the belt!!!!