On Friday, I had a guided fly fishing trip on the Chagrin River. With rain in the forecast Thursday night through most of the day Friday, we were a little skeptical, but with the river flowing a 350cfs we decided to give it a go.
The day started with me pulling out of the driveway and heading east around 7am. Its always fun and its not fun driving through downtown Cleveland in the morning on the way to fishing. Not fun because you are in slowed traffic for a good chunk of the time. Its fun because you are towing a bad ass Sotar raft, which most in this area have never seen and are probably thinking “what the hell”, and you just know you are going to have an awesome day when so many around you are going to the grind of their cubicles. Shortly after hopping on 480 east, some dude comes flying by me, window down in the rain, and gives me a big hooorah fist pump as he passes by.
We got to the river, and to my delight, had about 2 foot visiblity and a nice greenish brown color. Most of our float was on private water, and we hardly saw any other anglers the whole day. Although the fishing wasn’t on fire, my 2 guys did manage to tango with a couple chromers. We tried swinging some flies a a few points, but our fish came drifting a bead under an indicator.
I was going to head out again today, but we got just a bit too much rain last night and most of the streams are a bit high. I’ll be hitting it again in the next couple weeks, as we should have dynomite fishing coming up…