Thanks to everyone who participated in the Walleye Wisdom Seminar this weekend at Vic’s Sports Center. I think people learned a ton of good information and we are all fired up for Ice-Out. The food was great thanks to the Vatalaro’s, those Italians sure can cook! Our sponsors were so generous in donating to the raffle that we were able to raise $5,710 for the St. Jude Children’s Hospital. On Sunday after we tallied up all the proceeds, we wrote on the those big checks (Happy Gilmore style) and got a picture with everyone in it, that was really fun.
It was amazing, you would think that 8+ hours of talking fishing would be enough to cover all the topics, but each day I felt like we were pushing it to the end to get everything in. The breaks between sessions are always some of my favorite times as we could get one on one with people and shoot the breeze or answer specific questions. I look forward to next year already, but before that, I look forward to getting back on the water for a great 2013 season! We’ll see you all out there!