Tuesday, I planned on taking local Outdoors Writer, D’arcy Egan out for some walleye fishing off Avon. We woke up to 18mph winds out of the west, and a line of storms from Toledo all the way down to Indianapolis. We decided to wait it out and around 9:00 I looked at the radar and had all but lost hope. Still hoping there would be a chance to get out, I looked at the radar again around 10:30 and the line of weather was dissipating, so we decided to give it a go.
After meeting up with D’arcy around noon, we headed out of Avon and we’re the only boat at the entire ramp, we had the Lake to ourselves! It was 4 foot spaced out rollers out of the West that were very easy to run in and fish with the new Starcraft We made one long pass from 45 fow out to 53, heading to the NE. The first hour an a half we had nothing, but once we hit 50 fow and we dialed in the program, it was on! 45′ back on a 1 oz weight with copper burnt shrimp was on fire. We hit a triple and landed all 3 fish, 2 were 8lbers, and the other that was quickly released was a 31″ that had to be over 10lbs. And that brings me to my point… Fishing all alone, having to search for your fish, finding them, and just having a ball wailing on them! Erie offers so many opportunities to do this. Check out the Plain Dealer Saturday morning to see more on this day!
Thursday, I took one of my friends out, Andy, who had never really done serious walleye fishing on Lake Erie. Again, we woke up to worse than forecast-ed weather as it was blowing at 15+ out of the NE. Since we were launching so close to home, the Rocky River, we figured we’d launch, cruise down the river, and get a first hand feel for how bad it really was. When we pulled out of the river, we were bobbing in 4-6ers… Hmmm, we knew we weren’t going far, so we took it slow and cruised out just NE of the Rocky River dumping grounds in 53 feet of water. It was on right away. 1 oz 30′ back on chartruese blades. Several fish Ohio’s, a 2 man limit by 1130, and a handful of fish caught and released after that. We put one 46″ drift sock out, the Terova I-pilot on a #4 speed, pointed it right with the waves, and the Starcraft fished awesome in the 4-6ers! Again, what I love about Erie, we were all alone, only boat in the lot, and absolutely hammering fish with downtown Cleveland right in the background…