I got the opportunity to take my Dad on a fishing trip to Lake Ontario this week… It’s been awhile both since just him and I have just gotten away on our own and that I’ve gone up to
Lake O to target these silvery freight trains. I guess walleyes and having kids of my own, although both great things, has steered me away from the fish that started my fishing career back in the early 2000s in Alaska.
Dad hadn’t been there since he was in college, that’s a lot of math to calculate that, let’s just say it’s been awhile. We both had a blast knocking the rust off our salmon skills, the first 2 big guns got off and I even botched a net job, but we ended up getting some good ones. This trip was full of lots of good laughs, fish stories, and 300’+ king salmon runs. We had one fish, although we lost it, that mid run, came fully out of the water quartering away from us 100’ behind the boat and at a 60 degree angle. I swear it looked and acted like a 30+lb yellowfin tuna. There really isn’t any other fish in fresh water that compares.
My friend Moke was up there with his son and friend. I couldn’t help but think how awesome it was that they were on a father/son trip like this as well. When I got home, I showed Nora a pic of one of the big dawgs, and she says “Daddy, I want to catch a fish like that.” My immediate thoughts: I’ll hook the boat up and we’ll go right NOW. Secondary thoughts: 3 is probably a bit young, but dang I hope you are serious and want to go chase fish like this with me when you get a little bit older. It was awesome to go on this trip with Dad, I can only hope my kids will want to do this with me as they get older…