With as big of a Lake as we have here, its rare that one spot remains hot for longer than a few weeks each year. And that is a lot of the reason I always tell people how much of an advantage you have with a trailer-able boat, so you can travel easier to the hottest bite. Well, here we are, middle of July, and the north end of the sand bar near the famous Weather Bouy has been red hot going on almost 2 months now.
On Monday, I had a learning charter out of Lorain. We started off fishing the dumping grounds, and had a pretty steady pick on a South to North troll all the way up the west side of dump. The Lake had calmed, and we decided to leave these fish in search of a better bite with bigger fish, and headed NW towards the bouy. We started at the 38 20, and trolled back and forth between the 39 22 catching all the walleyes we wanted. At one time we only had 1 of the 8 rods out, as all 7 others had fish on or had been cleared with fish on, really incredible fishing. Although no hawgs were caught, we were rewarded with some nice fish in the 24-26 in range. 3 oz weights 40-65′ back with colorado and hatchet blades were the ticket, speed ~1.7mph.
You often here about how the numbers of walleye are way down in the lake, and most of the fish are from the 03′ class, and this and that about how we are in trouble in the future. After going out to the Bouy this time of year, and catching countless 16-23 inch fish, its hard to believe anything but this: Lake Erie is the greatest walleye fishery on earth, and it will remain that way for a long time. 🙂